I suppose it’s time to talk about my project and current work-in-progress manuscript.

In The Dark Of The Night
In The Dark Of The Night is my current manuscript and main project. It’s in it’s third (ish) draft after I decided I didn’t like it’s ending and I’ve been spending the last few weeks trying to figure out how to fix it.
The story is set in the near-future after a global pandemic leaves most of the population dead, either directly or indirectly. It leaves only small communities that formed in its aftermath. Told from the perspectives of Jax and Coraline, the current manuscript sits at 76k words (a lot less than the first draft’s 104k).
Jax and Coraline are the main characters. They are surrounded by various characters, most of which aim to keep them safe. Most of the characters are either part of the group who live in the city, or part of the village community.
City Folk
Most people who lived in the city either perished from the virus, the resulting famine, power cuts and food shortage, or moved away from the hub of disease into more rural areas.
- Jax. Part lizard and one of many experiments made in an attempt to make a cure or vaccine. He dreams of one day finding someone to share his interests with who understands how cool everything could be.
- Blue. Jax’s only friend who got her nickname from the bright blue feathers covering her head and back. While she’s supportive of her friend, she’s also realistic and aware of the dangers and limitations of his ideas.
- Dr Martin. A scientist who took part in creating the experiments. She spends her time looking after the experiments who decided to stick together in the city centre in an attempt to ease her guilty conscience.
- Karl. Another experiment: a shark hybrid with a dark humour. While he isn’t close to Jax, he does find himself curious about Jax’s ideas and adventures.
Village People
Yes, I’m proud of myself for thinking of that one. In my project, the village is a community of people who survived the world-ending pandemic who now work together to keep surviving.
- Coraline. A young woman trapped in the small life that is the village. She’s never left and yearns for something more, knowing that the world used to be better than what it currently is.
- Theodore. Coraline’s father. As the only doctor in the village, he spends most of his days tending to patients and holding together his dysfunctional and failing marriage.
- Kara. Coraline’s Mother and one of the most respected people in the community, mostly due to her taking over the farm from her parents. While she tries to keep the community safe, it only succeeds in ruining her family.
- Adrian. Frequently sent by Kara to make sure Coraline’s safe, he’s the only person that’s a similar age to Coraline.
Currently, I’d love to figure out the ending and once I’ve finished my self edits, I plan on finding beta readers. Hopefully by the end of the year I will be firmly in the querying trenches and trying to find an agent for it.
If you’d like to be a beta reader, you’re welcome to get in touch. If you want to read more about me here, check out my ‘About‘ page here, or my first blog post talking about myself here.