Last week, I finished editing In the Dark of Night!!
Now for everything else.
My plan for this book is to publish the ebook via KDP and possibly a paperback too.
While I wait for friends and beta readers to provide feedback and criticism on my final draft on my story, here’s a few things that have changed from my last post. (You can read that here.)
Changes in In the Dark of Night
The name of the story has changed slightly. It is only one word shorter, but I feel like it makes it easier to say. I found myself skipping the second ‘the’ whenever I was talking about it, so it just made sense to cut it from the title.
My total word count is 70k, even less than the previous drafts’ counts of 76k and 104k, which is surprising as I have had to add scenes in. I have also combined chapters, taken out any chapters I felt weren’t needed.
The ending! The ending of my book was originally very long-winded and I never really liked it. It took three full drafts but I have the final ending (draft 2.5 didn’t get as far as the ending, hence why it was only half a draft). Hopefully no one tells me they hate the ending and it makes no sense. While I do have some unresolved points, I hope to expand on them in some short stories or novellas in the future, even if I plan to take a break from writing in this story’s world for a while.
So… What Now?
Now I have to wait for feedback to make any final changes. Hopefully not big overhauls.
I also need to sort out an appropriate cover. While I have an idea of what I want it to look like, I’m not sure I could make it myself and will be looking at cover designers and hoping to pay for them.
Marketing. I need to pick a release day and hype up my book over on Instagram. Maybe follow me on there too, so you know when I write a new blog post, and so you can find out the release date of my book before anyone else! Intagram username is @cassiegreenewrites, or click the link here.
I also need to sort out everything else that goes into the book like the dedication, trigger warnings and acknowledgements.
So overall, there is still a lot to do, even when the story itself is pretty much done. Still, with how the publishing industry is, and the apparent lack of editing and marketing, I feel like I am not losing out by self-publishing.
Hopefully, my next update on this project will be to announce it’s release date!